Our visit from Chantelle Morvay-Adams from BCEdAccess was eye opening to the challenges students and families are facing in pursuing equitable access to education in BC Schools. Students benefit from ensuring all content is fully accessible, some of those students may have a disability or be a complex learner and it is imperative that lessons are designed so the content is accessible to all learners.
Chantelle reminded us that inclusion is where classrooms are seen as communities of learners with diverse backgrounds and abilities work together. Teachers may be familiar with learning design or other methods of ensuring that students are provided with the necessary accommodations and adaptations for their learning styles. The same is true for students who need assistive technologies and/or differentiated instruction in order to access learner or be able to communicate their learning.
Chantelle reminded us that “education is a marker to see where any deficits may be.” So it is important that teachers are educated and well versed in a variety of assisted technologies that can really improve the inclusion of students within their classroom learning community.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash